The Real Project

The Real Project is an on-going initiative sponsored by the National Social Norms Center at Michigan State University and one of FSU’s alcohol abuse prevention programs. The University and its campus/community partners have developed a model of integrated strategies (individual, campus-based and community based) which are designed to create and support a low-risk environment.

Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Evaluation

In collaboration with Live the Life, FCPR serves as an independent program evaluator for a Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) grant sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF). FCPR is responsible for performing process and outcome evaluations of the SRAE programs implemented at high schools in Gadsden, Broward, and Duval county. This includes performing site observations to monitor program fidelity and quality, as well as collecting and reporting performance measurement data to ACF.