Research & Publications

FCPR Team Member Relevant Publications

Petscher, Y., Noel, L., Yun, H., Catts, H. (2023). Heterogeneity in parental trauma, parental behaviors, and parental academic involvement. Adversity and Resilience Science, 4, 307-318

Scott, J. C., Wilson, C. B., Greene, K. H., & Jeter, N. S. (2024). Implementing learner-centered teaching strategies in family science. Family Science Review, 28(1).

Wilson, C. B. & Gipson, E. (2021). Working in silos? That’s nuts! In D.S. Anderson & T. Hall (Eds), Leading campus drug & alcohol abuse prevention: Grounded approaches for student impact. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators

Wilson, C. B. & Wertenberger, T. (2019, August 15). Personal violence prevention in high schools. CFLE Network, 32.3, 11-12,

Yun, H.-J., M. L. Parker, Wilson, C. B., & Cui, M. (2024). Medical complexity of children with special healthcare needs and healthcare experiences. Children, 11, 775.

Yun, H.-J. & Cui, M. (2024). Trajectories of delinquency and parental Warmth: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of American and Korean Adolescents. Journal of Adolescence.  doi:10.1002/jad.12382

Healthy Marriage & Responsible Fatherhood Grantee Conference Presentation

de Leon, K., Wilson, C.B., Flores, I., & Yun, H. (2024). Adventures in Marriage: Marriage education that goes beyond. [Poster presentation.] Healthy Marriage & Responsible Fatherhood Grantee 2024 Conference, Washington, DC

National Alliance for Relationship and Marriage Education Summit Presentations

de Leon, M. G., & Wilson, C. B.,  (2023, July 25). Recipes for Successful Relationship and Marriage Education Programs. [Conference presentation]. National Alliance for Relationship and Marriage Education 2023 Summit, Charleston, SC

Wilson, C. B., & de Leon, M. G. (2023, July 25). Becoming a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE): Benefits & Steps to Certification. [Conference presentation]. National Alliance for Relationship and Marriage Education 2023 Summit, Charleston, SC

National Council on Family Relations Conference Presentations

de Leon, K., Parker, M. L., Wilson, C. B., Yun, H., (2023). Actor-partner effects of positive and negative conflict in marriage and relationship education programming. [Lightning paper session]. NCFR 2023 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, United States. 

H. Yun, Parker, M. L., Wilson, C. B., Heo, J. (2023). Understanding linking mechanisms for intergenerational transmission of mental health: A serial mediation analysis. [Poster presentation]. NCFR 2023 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, United States. 

Parker, M. L., Yun, H., Wilson, C. B., Cui, M. (2022). Children's medical complexity and maternal health: The role of healthcare experiences. [Poster session]. NCFR 2022 Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, United States. 

Wilson, C. B., Parker, M. L., Yun, H., & de Leon, M. (2022). Adventures in Marriage: An intensive weekend marriage enrichment program for military couples. [Poster session]. NCFR 2022 Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, United States. 

Yun, H., Parker, M. L., Wilson, C. B., & de Leon, M. G. (2022). The intergenerational transmission of mental health: The role of children's adverse childhood experiences and ability to flourish. [Poster session]. NCFR 2022 Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, United States. 

Family Life Education Summit Presentations

Wilson, C. B. (2021). Collaboration as the key to unlocking family well-being [Invited Conference Plenary]. Family Life Education 2021 Summit (Virtual).

Wilson, C. B., & de Leon, M. G. (2022, June 24). Practical tools for continuous quality improvement (CQI) of family life education programs [Conference presentation]. Family Life Education 2022 Summit (Virtual).

Florida Council Against Sexual Violence Summit Presentation

Wilson, C. B. & de Leon, M. G. (2022). This girl can: How empowering girls in rural communities can prevent sexual violence [Conference presentation]. Florida Council Against Sexual Violence 2022 Summit.

Undergraduate Research Posters at the Capitol

Flores, I., Yun, H., Wilson, C. B., (2024). The Florida Marriage Enhancement Project: Improving marriages across the state. [Poster presentation]. 2024 Undergraduate Research Posters at the Capitol, Tallahassee, FL, United States.