Sponsored by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, the Medicaid Reform Information, Training, and Evaluation (MediRITE) Project was a multi-faceted effort to inform Medicaid providers, beneficiaries, and others interested people about Florida’s Medicaid Reform pilot program that began in Broward and Duval counties starting on July 1, 2006.

Medicaid Reform Information, Training and Evaluation Program

The Florida Medicaid Reform Choice Counseling website was sponsored by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration and provides tri-lingual (English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole) information about the Florida Medicaid Reform Program.

The website provided a general information section as well as an FAQ section. Then the website provided a list and contact information for each county's (Broward and Duval) managed care organizations and a comparison chart of the flexible benefits eachorganization provides.

Department of Elder Affairs

FCPR was contracted by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA) to develop a comprehensive assessment training website. The purpose of the website was to provide training for assessors or case managers who need the knowledge to properly conduct a face to face comprehensive health and functional status assessment of an elderly person or person with disabilities, and to document the findings by completing each section of DOEA’s Comprehensive Assessment Form.

FSU Measure Up

FSU Measure Up was a social norms initiative on FSU campus. The objective was to correct misconceptions about male students in regards to promiscuity and sexual violence.
FSU Measure Up was supported by funding from the Rape Prevention Education project provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through the Florida Department of Health (FDOH).

Red Ribbon Certified Schools

FCPR designed and developed a web-based informational system to support Red Ribbon Certification and administration, and provide support services (hosting, maintenance, technical assistance).

The Red Ribbon Certified Schools Web Site, along with the ideals of the Red Ribbon Certified Schools program, provided an information solution to the need for a comprehensive communications structure for Red Ribbon related facts, activities, and certification.

Quit Smoking Program

FCPR helped to develop Quit Smoking NOW (QSN), a 6-session smoking cessation program developed by ex-smokers for those who want to become ex-smokers. Throughout the six sessions, a tobacco treatment specialist (TTS) worked with participants in a supportive group setting to facilitate the cessation process by providing the information and tools needed to become tobacco free. QSN also offered access to nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) such as patches, gum and lozenges, to help manage withdrawal symptoms.

Personal Violence Prevention Program (Green Dot Strategy)

This program utilizes the Green Dot Strategy to prevent personal power-based violence in high schools in the Panhandle of Florida. Working in collaboration with the Panhandle Area Educational Consortium (PAEC), under a CDC-funded grant with the Florida Department of Health, FCPR and PAEC implement the Green Dot strategy at high schools in Calhoun and Liberty county.