The FL CURED program was created by the Florida legislature in 2004. Its purpose was to give voice to the research community and particularly to scientists, in the research policy arena at the state level; to convene key stakeholders to create dialogue and focus on core issues relating to expediting cures; and to focus on the biomedical discovery process emphasizing translational research and process improvements within the research enterprise.

The legislature assigned this program to the Florida Department of Health (DOH) to administer and also created the FL CURED Advisory Council, established in section 381.855, Florida Statutes. The council was charged with the task of submitting annual recommendations for legislative changes "necessary to foster a positive climate for biomedical research in this state."

In May 2009, the DOH contracted with the FSU College of Medicine (COM) to manage the FL CURED program. The FSU COM selected FCPR as the grant management service provider for the FL CURED Program which included a website, the hosting of the biomedical Summit and the annual Advisory Council meeting, as well as production of the FL CURED annual report for submission to the Florida Governor and legislature.

FL CURED program