Florida Aviation / Aerospace Career Cluster Review

Sponsored by the Florida Department of Education (DOE), and Florida State University.

The goal of this project was to perform a review of the aviation and aerospace industry workforce standards at all entry levels and current workforce education and training curricular and articulation agreements to indentification gaps between industry needs and the capacity of Florida's education and training programs to meet those needs. Based on this review, FLACCR made recommendations to the FL DOE to create new curriculum and articulation agreements.

Emergency Management Services

As a result of the tragedy at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007 in which 33 students were killed and 15 others injured, Florida Governor Charlie Crist signed Executive Order 07-77 and established the Gubernatorial Task Force for University Campus Safety. Of the 30 recommendations for action by each college and university in Florida six of the recommendations are centered on developing and exercising their emergency management and crisis response plans.

Funeral and Cemetery Training, Training and Evaluation Program

This project provided for on line training and certification for state Funeral and Cemetery inspectors. The training included four modules with a comprehensive examination for certification.

The four modules related to skills in areas of financial, communication, legislative and management. The comprehensive examination was taken on line at the completion of maneuvering through the four modules. Implementation of this program was handled through the Department of Financial Services.

Florida Substance Abuse Response Guide (SARG)

Sponsored by the Florida Department of Children and Families, the purpose of this contract was to develop a mini-grant application process to identify, fund and monitor new and established community anti-drug coalitions.

The primary role of FCPR was to create a process that targeted, selected, funded, provided technical assistance and monitored agencies that are interested in establishing or maintaining a community anti-drug coalition.

Hospital Response Plan of Florida

Sponsored by the Florida Department of Health (DOH), Florida State University along with two partners, Health Strategies, Inc., and the Florida Hospital Assoc., developed a statewide hospital response plan for burns, bombs, blasts and biological threats (B4).

We further developed a statewide hospital response plan for chemical and radiological (CR) threats. Working in concert with the Catastrophic Incident Response Plan (CIRP) Committee and seven regional planning groups, a website was developed to display planning progress and documents relating to B4 and CR threats.


The FL CURED program was created by the Florida legislature in 2004. Its purpose was to give voice to the research community and particularly to scientists, in the research policy arena at the state level; to convene key stakeholders to create dialogue and focus on core issues relating to expediting cures; and to focus on the biomedical discovery process emphasizing translational research and process improvements within the research enterprise.

Reduce Underage Alcohol Abuse

Sponsored by the Federal Department of Education and in partnership with the North East Florida Education Consortium, FCPR implemented a three prong initiative to reduce alcohol abuse in middle schools in seven counties.

It introduced the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) approved model programs Too Good for Drugs (TGFD) and the National Registry of Effective Programs (N-REP) Guiding Good Choices (GGC) in the middle school levels, combined with a Social Norms Marketing Campaign (SNMC).